Display Energy Certificate

Any building occupied or part occupied either by public authority or an institution, that provides a public service, and expect to be visited by public to a large number of persons and who are therefore frequently visited by those persons, and with a total useful floor area greater than 500  sq m needs to Display Energy Certificate.

The certificate must be displayed in a public place. It will also provide an Asset Rating & an Operational Rating.
Advisory Reports

The Advisory Report will also come with DEC that contains recommendations for improving the energy performance of the building and its energy usage. A DEC is valid for 1 year and needs to be updated annually. The Advisory Report which includes recommendations for improvements is valid for 7 years.

About the Display Energy Certificate

The display energy certificate differs from the domestic/commercial counterpart in that the certificate incorporates an Asset Rating & Operational Rating, DEC’s are only issued for Public Buildings at this time.

Asset Rating - means a numerical indicator of the amount of energy estimated to meet the different needs associated with a standardised use of a building, calculated according to the methodology approved by the Secretary of State.
Operational Rating – means a numeric indicator of the amount of energy consumed during the occupation of the building over a period of 12 months unless:
Where on 4th January 2009: the occupier of a building has been in occupation for less than 15 months or, entered into occupation of the building before 6th April 2008; or entered into occupation on or after that date but did not have an energy performance certificate made available or given to it. In these cases the operational rating specified may be calculated over the period in which the occupier has been in occupation.

Failure to Display

DEC’s – The penalty is £500 for failing to display a DEC at all times in a prominent place clearly visible to the public and £1,000 for failing to have possession of a valid advisory report. A maximum fine of £5,000 may be imposed dependent on the nature of the breach of regulations.

Special Offer:- Display Energy Certificate only from £245 and Renewal only £95  38% Discount from original price.